Links & Forms

Request for Use of SJRS Premises:


Our Sangh runs on the generous contributions made by you all which supports the upkeeping of our Sthanak, the ongoing activities and special events during the year. We humbly appeal to all to contribute and donate with full bhaav. It is our collective responsibility as a Jain society to ensure the well-being of our Sangh.

We request and appeal for your most generous donations and contributions.

We are grateful for your kind consideration and contribution. Khub khub Anumodna for your support.

Donation via PayNow:

  • To make a one off donation via PayNow, please fill up this Donation form and make payment. PayNow details are in the form.  

Recurring Monthly Donation via GIRO:

  • We encourage all working adult Jains to contribute to support various expenditure incurred by the society on ongoing basis on regular basis.
  • To make recurring monthly contributions please print, fill and sign GIRO form and send across to us. 

New SJRS Membership Application

  • Only Jains living in Singapore are eligible to apply for Ordinary membership. Any person who is not eligible for Ordinary membership may instead apply for Associate membership.
  • Ordinary Membership as well as Associate Membership needs to be renewed every calendar year i.e. 1st January every year. 
  • An existing Ordinary Member becomes eligible to apply for Life Membership of the Society after 3 years as an Ordinary Member. We strongly encourage all working adult Jains who have settled down in Singapore to join as SJRS LIFE members. It is a one time membership fee and you will be an SJRS member for LIFE.
  • Membership fees:
    • Ordinary: SGD 40 per year
    • Life: SGD 500 one time
    • Associate: SGD 100 per year
  • For all members (Life and Ordinary), we encourage membership per nuclear family (that includes members with their parents and children). We request all grown up adults (secondary members) to apply for SJRS Life or Ordinary membership.
  • Process for Membership application:
    1. Fill up the online Membership Application Form
    2. Make payment (instructions in the form) via PayNow and specify payment reference in the form. 
    3. Your membership application will be reviewed by SJRS Management Committee (SJRS MC) in the next monthly SJRS MC meeting and you will be informed by email on the outcome. (Allow for about 30-45 days for the review and processing upon submission of both your form and payment.)
  • Please note that membership forms without membership payment, or membership payment made without filling up the membership forms will delay your membership application process as SJRS MC will only review your membership application after receiving BOTH the form and payment.

Existing SJRS Ordinary Membership Renewals

  • You can renew your SJRS Ordinary membership by filling up Membership Renewal Form, making payment via PayNow QR code displayed in the form and specifying payment reference in the form.
  • You can renew your ordinary membership only if you membership has not been marked as expired in SJRS membership database in which case you would be required to apply for new membership again.

Membership at a Glance

New Membership For new Ordinary OR Associate membership OR converting existing Ordinary membership into Life membership.
Renew Membership if existing membership is active
Re-Apply  Membership if existing membership is expired

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